
Education is a great equalizer and invaluable to the development of any child.

Scholarships help provide a quality, life changing opportunity that many families cannot afford.

Make a difference in the life of a child today through the gift of a scholarship!

Scholarships pay for registration and monthly fees.

Kindergarten – 6th grade $200-$260 per year.

Junior High School (7th-9th grade) $325 per year.

High School – university varies with institution.




scholarship today changes the life of a child forever.

Transform a child’s future through education with your monthly gift. Your monthly donation provides a student with vital scholarship support – opening doors to learning and opportunity. 


Scholarship Facts

Our schools offer Christ centered education in the Highland of Guatemala, one of the most underserved impoverished areas in Latin America.

We need More scholarships to be able to provide education to more students in need.